Thursday, 13 February 2014

Dont Play the Odds; Play the Man

To make up for my fairly lack-luster post last week; tonight we will be analysing the Evidence coursework. its almost due so we best get this done. Oh the title?... yeah its not very relevant. I just really wanted to say that. Anyway moving on. This question is set out pretty nicely. It's in bullet points in pretty much the structure you want it to be; so lets leave that till last shall we. For now; lets focus on the examiner

The target audience is Tariq. And if you've been paying attention; he wants information laid out in front of him in a specific way. Yes, the coursework concerns the Law of Evidence; but its also a criminal trial. This means that on your opening paragraph, you should dedicate a sentence or two to discuss what the charges are. A non-fatal offence (at least assault but it could be more) and an inchoate offence of kidnapping. Now we all did criminal Law so you should be aware of the main cases for these crimes.... so throw them in there! Also mention what court this would likely be held in and maybe even the possible sentences for such crimes.

Now we move on to the meat of the coursework. I started with who normally has the legal burden of proof then move on to the witnesses. The fact that the first 3 witnesses are  for the prosecution is very important. With regards to competence and compelability; the rules vary on which side you're on. Lastly, keep an eye on the witnesses special characteristics which should be referred to due to it's significance. Pat (Spouse of accused), Bart (Under-aged), Scott (Not in the scene of the crime: Hearsay) and Denise (Spouse of the accused, for the defence, reluctant, not in the scene of the crime: Character)

Paul G,

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