Sunday, 12 April 2015

Balancing home and studies!

I am very excited to get back to University this week, we have had three weeks off to recoup and to start preparing for end of year exams. I really cannot wait to catch up with my friends and see how their Easter break was.
I had a lovely family Easter and put on a little egg hunt for my two young kids and little brother, the weather held up too and it has been a lovely week to spend with family.

I feel its really important to find a good balance between academic work and family life. By taking the Easter weekend off I got to spend some valuable time with my family and now I feel happy and confident to take on the rest of the year at University. I am not going to say it is easy trying to balance home life with University, because at times it can be very challenging, however it is do-able and I would not change the way my life is. The University of Bedfordshire acknowledges that every student is unique and that each person has different lifestyles. The University has been nothing but supportive throughout my first year, and without the support I probably would have felt like I couldn't make it through. The staff are always on hand to make appointments with, so you can talk to them about your workload and they always offer great advice on time management and organisation.

This week I have been getting all my revision material together ready for the revision classes, and these will really test me on how much I have managed to learn this year.
Unfortunately, this week has been slightly uneventful, but I know when I start back up at University there will be plenty more activities and experiences to share with you all.
I hope everybody had a lovely Easter break and did not eat too many chocolate eggs! Although I believe you can never have too much chocolate!

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