Friday, 20 December 2013

A Law Student's Christmas Break

Hello everyone and welcome to my new blog. My name is Paul Gastardo and I have just been newly appointed as the MARC Blogger for the School of Law in the University of Bedfordshire. I am a 3rd year LLB student and I hope to use this as a medium to convey my experiences as a Law student to you guys. Some you might find useful; some, maybe not so much. But I'll try to be concise and make sure you can get as much out of this blog as you can.

Now then, this is my first post and I'm abit lost as to how to go about doing this. However, I do have a vague idea so I guess I should just keep on writing this introduction. Within the University, I have been the student representative for my Law class for all 3 years. I am also PAL leader for 1st year Law students as well as the Councillor for the Law Society. I designed the Law magazine (coming to campus soon) and I am also the commercial awareness rep for aspiring solicitors.

Well, that's credentials out of the way.

Now onto the reason for the title of this post. As a Law student, you may or may not be aware that you have to do some things that are a little extra to make sure that your CV is just that little bit shinier than your all your course-mates. Hence all the stuff I stated previously. And now I am also the MARC Blogger for Law! this means that I have to put in extra work over the holidays.

I have 3 pieces of coursework to do over Christmas so that gives me just a week to do each. In addition to that; I also have to write one of these blogs once a week (So please check in every Friday). Alot of work! But all this is necessary in order to even have a chance at having a successful Law career. Anyway, this first post is getting a tad too long so I'm going to cut it off soon.

I have plenty more things to talk about. Things ranging from how to prep for exams & answering coursework (tailored specifically to how each lecturer wants your work to be structured and what they are looking for) all the way to little things like what books to buy and avoid (the lecturer's recommended reading lists aren't always the right books).

And I'll leave it at that for now. Stay tuned for more next Friday!!

Paul G, offline ;)

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