Friday, 3 January 2014


Its 2014. And with that marks the end of our Christmas break. It's time to gear up and get back to the standard swing of things. Keep an eye on those deadlines. Write them down somewhere if you have to... and most importantly; confirm with others that the dates you have written are correct. The handbooks you may have been given for your units MAY have inaccurate dates (I speculate that it might be due to the lecturers using template handbooks from previous years). So a good way to have the accurate dates for coursework is to look on BREO itself and access TurnItIn. From that page; you should be able to spot when the hand-in dead-line are.

A quick skim over your notes can work wonders to refresh your memory. And I mean QUICK. If you've been paying attention in class, chances are; it should all just come back to you with relative ease. After you've done that; its a pretty safe bet that the topics that came up in your coursework will not be assessed in the mid-year exams. But occasionally, lecturers are known to throw a curve-ball just to mess with you so there is a chance that it could come up again.

For this second term; some of the stuff you will be learning might be the ones that will be contained in the exams. So watch out for any topics that you feel the lecturers are putting significantly more importance than others. If you are unsure; just straight-up ask them. It may sound stupid when you ask: "are you giving us hints right now as to what will come up?".... but what's the worse that can happen? If you are wrong then the lecturer will just tell you no. But if you're right; then the information you will gain is an invaluable asset. Your course-mates will thank you for asking the question..... Well, they probably wont (because they're lawyers-in-training); but trust me... they're thanking you on the inside.

So that's it for today.

Paul G,

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